Friday, June 02, 2006

Great first impression, the Universität Dortmund and Frank the Vodaphone guy at the pub

Unfortunately today I was too overwhelmed by the city and getting myself set up with everything going on here to take any pictures so today is a pictureless blog. Sad, I know, but I'll make up for it tommorow.

First, best way to show up at work is to show up first day of the job 2 hrs late. My supervisor had told me he would be in at 12:00pm so I figured if I woke up at around 10:00am I would be fine getting there. Apparently not. Turns out I failed to make the switch on my alarm clock and needless to say I woke up after an exhausting day of flying at aroudn 1:30pm. Good thing I can still blame jet lag. The day before, my supervisor's co-worker, Sven, who had picked me up at the airport told me all I have to do is catch the 468 bus and head to the University of Dortmund. Too bad, the bus stop outside my residence didn't have a 468 bus and apparently they don't have transfers here. So 3 stops, 2 euros, and 1 english speaking German little boy later, I found my way to the proper bus stop and managed to get to the University at around 2:30.

I met my supervisor, Christian Sonntag (who is going to Italy on Monday for a week) and went through a blur of introductions of the enture department. This was followed by several other students requesting Christian's help. Sidelined, I went and talked to some other people and I only remember a couple names such as Ha from Vietnam and Wolfgang (cuz that's such an awesome name). Christian showed me my office and then we went downtown to try and set up my bank account so that I won't be broke anymore.

Unfortunately I don't get my pay until 1 week and I don't get my euro bank card until 2 weeks so this really sucks so I'll just have to wing it from here. The good news is now I have a phone with 10 euro credits. However if you call me, it's free. My number is: +49 (0151) 5202 4454 if you are calling from north america, I think you have to call 011 49 151 5202 4454 and remember it is a 6 hr time difference here. I had a turkish lunch courtesy of my supervisor and then we headed back to the University so that he could translate my lease for me that I have to sign. After that it was around 7:30pm and he took me to my bike (if you thought my bikes in Kingston were crap...get a load of this one, I'll post the pict tommorow) and I biked my way home.

With the help of a skinny tatooed Shell gas station operator with an undercut and a fat trucker driver who was all business in the front and a party in the back they directed back to the right street after I had gotten lost with my sketchy directions my supervisor gave me. I biked by the place I had dinner yesterday and went in for a quick bite. This is where I met Frank

Frank is a large man with a bald top and still has the sides. I opened my phrase book and tried to order tap water, but the patrons wouldn't have any of that because they want to charge me so I am forced to drink mineral water with gas. I think I'll just order beer next time, because it is cheaper. Frank came over and explained why they didn't "understand" and we started talking. He was in the area because he was visiting his mother and apparently he met his Taiwanese wife who was living in my residence 9 years ago. He promised to take me to a Dortmund soccer match in August and was quite adament about me going with him to his mother's for dinner on Monday. I might take that offer up, I mean its hard to pass on free food no matter how sketchy. The partons seemed to know him so he can't be all that bad. Anyways, after I have my curry wurtz I excused myself and promised that I'd call him Monday for dinner. Exhausted from another overwhelming day I headed home.

Back in rez, I finally met some people who spoke english and wanted to talk to me. One was from Bangladesh and the other from Morocco and spoke french which all of a sudden my basic french came back to me so that wasn't that bad. Anyways, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep in tommorow.

Oh its the long weekend here because of Ascension or something so (the holiday when Jesus ascended back to Heaven after resurrecting) I have Monday off. I was thinking of traveling but I should probably explore around here some more now that I have this rad bike.

that is all
end communication.


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