Monday, June 05, 2006

Finding Am Gardenkamp 51 and Frank is awesome!

Today is a national holiday in Germany (something to do with Ascension or something religious like that) and so Cat and I decided to hang out since Laura was working. Cat gave me her address and I mapped it out and tried to navigate my way there on bike. Unfortunately, there are some strange inlets that somehow connect to the main road and share the same street name so I spent a good half hour looking for Am Gardenkamp 51 after a grueling 30 min bike ride uphill (yeah I'm pretty out of shape). After passing some horses and what looked like the house from Texas chainsaw massacre, I finally found the place.

...unfortunately the blogger photo thing is down today so no photos...boourns..I'll post them as soon as it is up again. For now, the photos will be posted on MSN spaces

Anyways, Frank took myself and Cat out to dinner at an Italian restaurant and then drove us all around town to see the city. He took us to his "cottage" where many Germans keep trailers by the river (not sure which one Ruhr I think) and we had to move some patio chairs. We parked the car somewhere near the ritzy Casino and apparently there was a carnival where they were serving gelato with frozen whipcream on top all covered in a chocolate hard dip. Frank, the ever generous host bought us a round of ice cream and we continued towards the Casino. We followed past the casino which took us to another one of the numberous parks Dortmund has to offer. The path led to the highest natural point of Dortmund complete with a statue of King Frederick Wilhelm with Bismark and some other dude on the side. The view was amazing. He then dropped us home and invited me and Cat for bbq another time. What a nice guy!


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