Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Quick update

So, been a bit slow on this, but that's because my supervisor and I finally got the program that I am simulating working and as a result, I am a bit busier than usual. These past couple weeks have been interesting. KC and I found a group of people who play ultimate every Weds and Sun so that is very exciting to play in organized sport again. Its good to keep in shape and plus their skill level is about the same as mine so I don't feel so bad if I don't make the behind the back diving catch thrown by some hippie.

Also last week, Lynn and Felix left so our "crew" is down by a few, but we found another American from Rice University, Alex Stoll.

Last weekend, I went to Bonn to see what the international beer festival and former capital of Western Germany had to offer. Turns out we didn't get to spend too much time in Bonn since we had to catch the last train back to Dortmund and had stopped in Cologne along the way since some people haven't been there yet. We did however hike to a high point in a neighbouring borough and saw these ruins that were at the top of a 2 km uphill hike with a spectacular view of Bonn. I wish I had some time to walk the museum mile as well as see some of the Beethoven exhibits (he was from Bonn). Next time, I'll travel alone.

On Sunday I was acousted by German police and transit staff for not having a correct ticket for the subway which I am positive I had. Turns out I need a this free plastic customer card (wtf is that??). I was forced to pay the 40 euro fine and then the next day I went to complain to the officials at the HBF. Turns out I only was supposed to pay 2.50 euro, but since I already paid, there's nothing I can really do about it. A friend of mine just faxed a complaint letter on my behalf so hopefully some of this money will show up.

This weekend will be headed to Amsterdam. Can't wait. Alright I'd throw in some choice photos from Bonn, but blogspot is being stupid.


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