Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sad Germany and Failed July 5 BBQ

Strawberries. This is the smell that wafts through my open window every morning along with the 100% humidity that's been lingering around in the Westphalia region. Across the street there is a large strawberry field where if you wake up early enough you can pick a whole bunch and have fresh fruit and breakfast too. Unfortunately, I'm too lazy, but one day I'll get up and do it.

As most of you know by now, Germany lost their semi-final match against Italy after 120 minutes of hard fought football. Germany had never before lost in Dortmund and with this history, we were expecting a huge party that night. As the Italian ball passed across the goal line, you could feel the collective sigh in the city as Germany's cinderella dream came to an end in Dortmund. The city was rather quiet after the game as 250 000 people quietly shuffled to the main train station to go home. However, I am quite sure the German people are proud of their team and their achievements considering the team was internationally criticized and not expected to proceed past the round of 16. They will be playing Portugal for 3rd place in Stuggart on Friday.

On July 5th, at the insistance of our patriotic American exchange students we had a bbq to commemorate the respective national holidays back home (which led to "huh? you guys don't celebrate on July 4?") All was well the morning of the bbq. The sun was shining and the heat was almost unbearable. Then, sometime during the day nature decided to throw in a large thunderstorm and rain down hail for the better part of the afternoon. As the sun broke through again near quitting time, we felt the worst was over and we would have our bbq afterall. Turns out no. With everything damp and no lighter fluid for our "self-lighting" coals, followed by strong winds and rain, the bbq was a bust and we were forced to move indoors. The girls and a Quebec frenchman, Felix brought various cheeses, bread and salads. I panfried the sausages and we had a feast with wine and beer. Some of us knew our limits. One other didn't, leading to a night of dry heaving and hugging the toilet. We put him to bed and after another late night, everybody went home.


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