Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Prague photos

Denise and I in Prague
Powder tower
Esclators go deep into the Prague underground. I feel like I'm falling everytime I took one.
A castle guard, much like the ones in England minus the furry hats. Surprisingly, we learned from the last day bus tour that the government still uses the Castle as a place of business and is one of the oldest state buildings which is still functional.
Day view of the Charles Bridge....all those little white specs are people. It is very busy during the day. If I lived in Prague, I'd hate to have to see all these tourists everyday.
Off on a evening, sunset jazz cruise which was fantastic.
Inside the gorgeous Smetana hall at the metropolitan centre for a concert (can you guess which one? seems like everybody can play Vivaldi, it is like the gold standard)
Sitting on the fortress wall of Vyrslad (butchering the spelling, but oh well). On the other side of me is about a 500 ft. drop off.
McDonalds and I... its been too long!
JANICE??? Randomly bumped into her in Prague. It was nice to see a familiar face so we went out with her and her other friend who's name nobody knew exactly that night.
This the main square. I forgot what it was called though. It is overlooked by a massive statue of a guy on a horse. Behind it is the Narida Museum.
This is an odd sight. The Charles Bridge is usually filled with pedestrians and merchants, but not at 4:30 am.
The Prague Castle that overlooks the city
Tribute to the victims of communism...not quite sure what the symbolism was.
Sunrise on Charles Bridge. Just beautiful, but it was hard to get up for.
Some Christian artwork on the Charles bridge...I think if you touch it, it is good luck so I did.
Some locals sitting on the Vlalstad (or something like that) wall, overlooking the castle just chilling.
Picture of the old Jewish cemetary where many famous Czech Jews are buried.


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