Thursday, June 15, 2006

Dortmund has officially imploded

Amazing game today (Germany and Poland) which I watched in the Mensa (student caf) with all the other uni students since downtown was ridonkulous with 126 arrests of football hooligans mainly from Poland starting fights and running into things. Police had paddy wagon buses to haul people away and this was even before the game. I may start looking into tickets again because it seems that scalpers are at work here. I also heard from a colleague that he managed to score tickets for the Sweden - Trinidad/Tobago game so that might be in the future.

I have started my work and it is new and completely different that what I expected. My office is in a loft laboratory and it is sweltering in there with zero circulation on the top floor where my desk is. There is much learning to be done as I've found out pretty much everything I have learned is still not enough to understand this project. I sometimes feel in over my head, but I suppose this is expected. Hopefully I will learn something out of this but for now, I'm pretty lost still.

Anyways, tommorow I am off to Hamburg to pick up Denise and then we head to Prague. Photos to come later.


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