Monday, August 07, 2006

Chair summer excursion Aug. 3

The summer excusion on Thursday was organized by two PhD students and it was in Düsseldorf and Duisburg. Although most of the forecast had anticipated rain and cold for the day, we were pleasantly surprised with a day full of sun and warmth.

Our first stop after a hearty breakfast was the film museum in Düsseldorf where we saw many items from German films in addition to English film posters with German translated titles. To be honest, not much to see and I didn't understand a lot of it because the tour and the majority of the displays were all in German. However, some interesting points from the tour were the history of the progression of technologies used to make films starting from Plato's shadows in the cave idea to shadow puppets to technicolour with Disney and finally where we are today with digital recordings (I'm not sure if we really got that far, but I'm assuming we did)

Next up on the itinary was coffee which was enjoyed by the riverside in Düsseldorf. After a lazy hour drinking coffee and socializing, we proceeded to head to the park in Duisburg for some much needed R&R and food.

The Duisburg park was awesome! It largely consisted of a greenspace beside a lake where they had waterskiers zipping around the lake following a T-bar (from skiing/snowboarding) like contraption that pulled the skiers/wake boarders through a course. Unfortunately, thinking that it would be cold, none of us brought a swimsuit to wear so we could try it out. Maybe next time. We spent the rest of the day playing volleyball by the beach and I got to know the rest of the chair that I had been working with this summer better.

We proceeded towards the town centre for a nice dinner where we had reservations for 6. Showing up at 7, after a long search through the town, we enjoyed a fancy dinner at a steakhouse where the ever generous head of the chair bought all the students (that's me) dinner. After dinner, we attended the wine festivals in Duisburg where I purchased two nice bottles of white to bring to my hosts in Denmark. Following a successful night, I boarded the train to Denmark at half past 12 which leads me to my next post.


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